Our Cat-a-holics Kitties!
All kittens that come into the shelter are immediately placed in foster homes to be raised in a healthy, safe and stress-free environment. All foster families are people who have normal everyday jobs and foster for the love of kittens. Please look on our Facebook page to see which little kittens are currently in foster care and available for adoption.
Our Process
Once you have found the kitten you are interested in adopting, please ensure you complete our adoption application form which can be found at the bottom of the page. You will also be asked a series of screening questions by the foster mom (i.e. the individual currently taking care of the kitten). This process allows us to get to know you a bit more, and guarantees that you are fully aware of what is expected of you.
If all is approved, you will sent an adoption agreement and will be asked to EFT the adoption fee to the Cataholics Kitty Shelter. Our adoption fees are provided below, but please be sure to confirm the amount with the foster mom before making your EFT payment if it has not already been provided to you.
Adoption Fees
Adoption fees are typically based on the approximate age of each kitten, but also depends on when the kitten was taken in.
8-12 Weeks
This is our basic adoption package. The adoption fee includes the kitten’s FIV and Feline Leukemia testing, first set of vaccinations and dewormer. Additionally, the adoption fee includes two discount vouchers which can be used for the kittens second vaccinations and sterilization (vouchers are only redeemable at one of our affiliated vets).
12-24 Weeks
If kittens have received their second vaccinations given by the shelter, the adoption fee is R900.00, which includes only a sterilization voucher that is provided with the contract.
24+ Weeks
R1 200.00
This adoption fee is for all kittens who are fully vaccinated and have been sterilized. No vouchers are provided with the adoption as they are no longer needed.
Our Rules
- All kittens must be sterilized by the age of 6 months. We reserve the right to remove the kitten if this has not been done.
- Breeding with a with a Cat-a-holics Kitty is strictly prohibited.
- We require that all your current pets (cats & dogs) are sterilized before you are eligible to adopt.
Adoption Application
Kindly complete and submit online.
Banking Details
Account Name: Kitty Shelter Kittens
Bank: FNB
Account Number: 62742088900